
Students Give Talk About Exchange Trip To Taiwan & Hong Kong

On Thursday 29 February, 10 young people from Annandale and Eskdale presented their experience and cultural learnings to peers, family, educators and funders from a previous exchange trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong October 2023.

The group was formed early 2023 where they participated in Global Education workshops weekly as well as fundraising up to four times a week to raise the funds for the trip. The group then went to Taiwan for seven days where they volunteered in local community centres and primary schools, and were interviewed on the radio. Not only did the group learn about Taiwanese culture, but the group also presented a cultural presentation about Scotland to five different groups, led on sports, taught ceilidh dancing and sang Scottish anthems.

During the time in Hong Kong, the group visited the Keswick Foundations projects where they experienced an escape room about gambling harms and visited a museum about the social housing crisis, followed up with meeting members of the community and hearing their stories. The young people aim to empower other young people to speak about other cultures, challenging opinions and meeting new people.

Councillor Ian Blake, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee said: “Youth work is such a diverse profession and I believe this just shows the variety of provision and opportunities that is on offer within this region. The young people should be proud of the hard work they endured not only whilst volunteering but whilst still in Scotland at the workshops and fundraising. Well done to all involved.”

Vice Chair of Communities Committee, Councillor Jackie McCamon, added: “Hearing about the voluntary participation undertaken by this group has been heart-warming. Seeing the video of their experience you can see the change of group dynamics; happiness pours from it. Congratulations to all involved, what an incredible experience to participate in.”

If you would like more information on what activities are available through the council’s Youth Work Service, visit social media and look for “Youth Work DG.”


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