Substantial Increase In Region’s Covid Numbers Causes Concern

CONCERN is growing over another substantial increase in the region’s COVID numbers – rising by almost a further 200 last week. 


In the week ending Sunday 7 November a total of 697 new COVID-19 cases was recorded, up from 503 the week before.


Numbers of people identified as close contacts of positive cases have also increased very significantly, up from 896 to stand at 1413.


Director of Public Health Valerie White said: “There is a very real and growing concern over the increasing numbers of COVID cases we’re seeing within Dumfries and Galloway.
“Very fortunately, vaccinations are helping to prevent some of the worst impacts on people’s health.
“However, a large and rising number of COVID cases brings with it the potential for an increased impact on services, upon staffing and on our communities, including the ability of businesses to function.
 “So we really do need everyone to do what they can to try and control these numbers. We know that COVID relies upon close interaction to move from person to person, and that we can stop that transmission from taking place.
“Wearing a face covering in indoor public spaces remains important, as does giving very careful thought to our interactions and the environments where they take place.
“Meeting outdoors or in a very well ventilated space helps prevent COVID from spreading. If we try to remain within the one social group when we’re out socialising, that also helps to contain any spread.
“Taking up the chance of regular testing is very important. It can provide a degree of confidence around our interactions, helping to catch cases early when they do occur and giving close contacts the chance to help prevent further spread.
“Most importantly, do please get vaccinated. If you are eligible for a booster, please get one.
“Vaccinations currently offer the highest degree of protection against the coronavirus. This means that if you are unfortunate enough to contract the virus at a time now when there is an increased chance in the region of that happening, you hopefully will be helped to avoid experiencing its worst effects.”

Symptoms of COVID-19 are:


A raised temperature

A new and continuous cough

Change to or loss of sense of taste and or smell


Regular asymptomatic testing for COVID provides assurance and helps to identify cases at the earliest opportunity. Details on the full range of testing opportunities can be found by visiting the website


Full details on opportunities to be vaccinated can be found by visiting the website


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