
Police Issue Summer Safety Advice For Everyone

Summer is just round the corner and we head into the season of outdoor festivals, galas, riding of the marches and music events with a double this weekend, Lockerbie Riding of the Marches and The Eden Festival.

A time for celebration, fun and perhaps catching up with family and friends. Police Scotland is asking everyone to take a few minutes to plan ahead when out and about to ensure you have a good, and safe time.
Some tips which could help prevent your day or night out from ending badly;

• Plan your day or night out – charge your mobile, remember to take it with you and think about how you’ll get home from your event.
• Book a taxi from a reputable company or arrange for a family member or friend to pick you up.
• If drinking alcohol, be sensible about how much you consume. A drunk person is a far easier target for a criminal.
• Don’t leave drinks unattended if you are out socialising.
• Don’t use drugs or New Psychoactive Substances, sometimes misleadingly called ‘legal highs’. Legal doesn’t mean safe – they can contain toxic and harmful chemicals. Why risk your life?
• Stick with friends – don’t leave nights out on your own or with strangers.
• Take care of each other and make sure you all get home safely.
• Stay safe on your journey home – never take isolated short cuts. Keep to busy areas and on public transport, sit where there are lots of other people. If you’re using a taxi, make sure it’s licensed.
Drivers should be mindful that partygoers, particularly those under the influence of alcohol can step out / stagger onto the road without warning. Slow down when in crowded areas.
Police Scotland would also like to remind people that the drink driving limit is easily breached so if intending to drive then don’t drink alcohol, and be aware that if not driving initially the morning after you could still be over the limit and risk your license. Sleep, coffee and cold showers don’t help you to sober up – time is the only way to get alcohol out of your system.

Local Operational Commander for ‘V’ Division Dumfries and Galloway, Superintendent Irvine Watson said “we want everyone to have a great time this summer and our message is simple, take care and keep yourself safe. We will be supporting many events this summer and officers are there to help keep you safe. Work with them to achieve this by being responsible and taking precautions as suggested. Those who are out to cause harm and spoil your enjoyment will not be tolerated and will be dealt with using the full force of the law. Have a great summer.”


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