
Suzanne McKerlie-Hex’s New Year Dip for a Charity Close To Her Heart


Local lass and Scottish Ladies Rugby player Suzanne McKerlie-Hex contacted us about her pending new year charity dip at Crossmichael Marina, Loch Ken.  She is braving the waters to help raise funds for the Baby Unit Fund. You can donate at Suzy’s Just Giving Page.

It would be great if we could her Suzy reach her target.

This is what Suzy emailed us.

On the 19th of December – 8 years ago. My good friend’s lives were turned upside down. Their newborn baby Dylan passed away not long after he was born. They had no warning or signs whatsoever. 3 years ago now , she had another little boy, but he too was very poorly when he was born. The neo natal unit in Dumfries helped to save his life. Unfortunately Dylan was not so lucky. The Baby fund unit ensures that all neo-natal units have up to date ,advanced equipment to help save these small babies lives. With more babies being born earlier and with more complications ,there is a high demand on this charity ,to supply this life saving equipment. This charity is close to my heart.

As I am from Dumfries and Galloway it is extremely important to me to fund raise in the local area.

I love this region and the special people in it , and try to come home as much as possible, especially for Christmas and New Year. I have done the legendary Dee Dip for the last 8 years for various local charities , but this year ‘Dylan’ is close to my heart. I am doing the dip in his memory. As a burly rugby player I hope it’s no colder as previous years. I wonder if my coach will allow this as a training session , maybe freeze off the Xmas Turkey ?

Please have a look at my just giving page and support this incredible cause.

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