Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour at Loch Ken

The welcome return of visitors to Loch Ken, the vast majority of whom are responsible andrespectful, has unfortunately also brought a much less welcome return from an irresponsible few.

As reported in local media recently, we have seen some heart-breaking instances of litter, vandalism and other forms of anti-social behaviour. To try and get a grip on this issue, Loch Ken Trust has been working with local councillors and partners to establish a stakeholder group to develop appropriate solutions. The group has representatives from local landowners, businesses, angling groups, Police Scotland and the local authority.

The purpose of this group is to ensure that all partners are able to share
ideas and information and work together to care for and protect this landscape that we all
cherish.The group is keen to hear from local communities about any concerns they have about thisissue. Police Scotland have also agreed to develop a summer action plan to addressidentified issues.

Councillor Dougie Campbell said:
“We want people to come and enjoy everything that Loch Ken has to offer so protecting it
over the years to come is very important. That’s why in response to some incidents of antisocial behaviour a group has been formed to put plans in place to deter this and to
encourage responsible camping. I’m really pleased that the police are playing their part and
the council will do everything it can to work with the local community to protect this
beautiful environment.”

Getting Involved
Right now, Loch Ken Trust is looking to recruit members and trustees who can provide the
support and governance needed to make sure that its work provides the greatest benefits tothe whole community.

If you are interested in becoming a member or trustee, or would like to know more about
the work of Loch Ken Trust, please contact Barnaby Fryer, the Loch Ken Alive officer on
[email protected] or through the Loch Ken Alive facebook page

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