The world’s biggest festival of drawing comes to Dumfries on Saturday 15th October

The world’s biggest festival of drawing comes to Dumfries on Saturday 15th October when The Peter Pan Moat Brae Trust and The Big Draw Festival 2016 join forces for a day of creative activities for families at Moat Brae led by artist and young entrepreneur Rachel Speedie.

Families are encouraged to bring children of all ages to this free ‘Flights of Imagination’ event which will run from 11am – 3pm and hope they will be inspired by the Birthplace of Peter Pan and the famous quote: “Second on the right and straight on till morning”.

Rachel Speedie of The Art Room in the Old School will be leading the activities and invites visitors of all ages to help create a giant superskyscape called ‘The Way to Neverland…’ which will be suspended from the central ‘starlight dome’ of the iconic building and drawings will also be released upwards on floating balloons.  As an extra treat, there will be a chance to experience what it feels like to move around the stars in the solar system as Purplebox Productions creates a ‘planetarium experience’ in the old dining room at Moat Brae.

This is third year that Moat Brae has been the venue for a Big Draw event and the theme for 2016 brings together Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. STEAM fuses creative innovation, enterprise, digital technologies and the arts and represents Big Draw’s support of the campaign to give the arts parity with other subjects so that STEM becomes STEAM.  Founded in 2000, The Big Draw is an arts education charity that promotes visual literacy and the universal language of drawing as a tool for learning, expression and invention.

The main focus at Moat Brae will be on drawing, sticking and shaping with paper to create 2D and 3D objects which will be added to the giant skyscape mobile.

Rachel Speedie, who will be leading the art activities said: “We hope lots of people will drop in to Moat Brae for this event where science and space meet stories and sketches. We’ll provide the glitter, glue, pens and paper, and ask you to use your imagination to add your own creations to our giant mobile in the starlight dome.  We are hoping for some surprises as well as the usual planets, planes, birds, butterflies, kites, balloons, helicopters, rainbows, fairies, Peter Pans, rockets, space stations, galaxies and black-holes…”

This Free event is open to young minds of all ages, children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Moat Brae is not yet fully accessible and can be cold, so visitors are advised to wrap up warm and expect to get a bit messy! More information can be found

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