
Vandals Destroy Thousands Of Pounds Worth Of Toys And Equipment At Lockerbie Nursery

AN URGENT APPEAL has been launched on behalf of Lockerbie Primary School & Nursery after vandals started a fire that has destroyed thousands of pounds worth of toys and equipment used by the children that attend the nursery.

Joanne Aitken from Lockerbie Nursery team made the appeal on Facebook today, She said “We are heartbroken to inform you that on Friday evening our nursery was the target of a terrible act of vandalism. A fire was started in our nursery store; the impact of which has been devastating. Ten years’ worth of resources (a mixture of donations, fundraised items & school property) costing thousands of pounds have been lost.

We are appealing to you, our school community, in hour of need. With two weeks until the children return from their summer break we urgently need to replace outdoor items. We are looking for items in good condition that you may no longer need. Alternatively, we have been approached by a member of the public wishing to make a monetary donation, therefore we have set up a Gofundme page for any people or businesses wishing to make a donation (see link – https://gofund.me/8e085b17)”

Thanks you for your support at this difficult time,
Lockerbie Nursery team
We are looking for the following items:
• Bikes
• Slides (big and small for 2 year olds – 5 year olds)
• Ride-ons
• Helmets
• Child-sized outdoor seating & tables
• Gardening items
• Small world toys (pirate ships, train tracks, dolls houses, cars, wee people etc.)
• Skipping ropes
• Pavement chalk
• Bubbles
• Footballs
• Tennis bats and balls etc.


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