


Do you have an innovative idea for a group or service that could help people who need extra care or support?   Do you feel passionate about making a difference in your local community?

If the answer is YES then starting your very own micro-enterprise could be for you.

Karen Booth is Dumfries and Galloway’s brand new Micro-markets Co-ordinator and she’ll be working closely with people across the region to help them set up and run their very own micro-enterprise that support people to live full lives in their own communities.

Micro-enterprises are independently delivered by local people for local people and have five or fewer full time equivalent staff or volunteers.

Karen has a strong background in business and project development and she recently worked in health improvement in the Stewartry.  Karen said:  Across the country there is a move to give older people and people with long term conditions control over how they get the care and support they need.

“Many of these people want small, personal, flexible and unique services that help them live full and interesting lives as active members of their local communities.  However setting up a care or support enterprise can be very difficult as there are lots of rules and regulations which can be off-putting.

“My role is to help people set up small care and support enterprises by giving them the recognition, advice and information they need.   This should increase the numbers and types of services in the area available to people who need care and support.”

If you have an idea for a health, care or support enterprise or initiative and you think Karen can help please contact her by phone on 07824 016 409 or by email at [email protected].

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