The DGWGO Who Review Does The Belt(ie)ing Beer Festival

The DGWGO Who Review visited the Dumfries Saints RFC’s First ever Beltie Beer Festival on Saturday June the 27th at Park Farm, Dumfries.


Ali writes-
Be it the brilliant weather, the promise of beer and music or an advertised family event in Dumfries the first Beltie Beer Festival has to be marked as a success.
Now I know most out there will say there was problems and yes, yes there was problems, a capacity crowd of 1200 people achieved within the first couple of hours and people queuing like it was a nightclub on a Saturday night with the only rule enough people out to get enough in, problem was people weren’t leaving they were loving the atmosphere, the music and the drinks.

click here for the full DGWGO Beltie Beer Festival Image Gallery

Local bands a plenty for the crowds with great sets throughout the day, The Abstracts, The Razorbills, Redfish and Chasin’ The Train to name a few. The weather was great and the beer flowed…….. till it was gone, my what thirsty palates we have in Dumfries, the 10 breweries and the prossecco bar barely stood a chance but you what people had a wee moment of “oh so they’re running out of beer” but they didn’t leave, they stayed and they enjoyed themselves.

In fact everyone I spoke to said roughly the same thing:- great event, can’t believe how many people are here, yeah running out of beer at a beer festival isn’t good but hey it’s the first year they can learn from this and be bigger and better next year. Now to me that’s a lot of positives from a notoriously hard to please crowd. One local was heard to say the festival was a failure as it had reached capacity and no one else could get in????? Now excuse my ignorance but if something has hit capacity how has it failed? Oh right I get it because that person didn’t get in it failed!! Next time folks get there earlier.
Yeah next tickets on sale before hand, (but how were they to know everyone would go crazy for it) and Breweries more beer please. Keep the local-ness of the event with the musicians and maybe increase the arena size but all in all congratulations you have a winner on your hands here.


DGWGO are very proud to be an Official media partner with Beltie Beer Festival


1 a 1 a ali the who review 2‘The DGWGO Who Review’ written exclusively for DGWGO by Ali Donowho

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