D&G Youth Jazz Orchestra To Performs in Kirkcudbright


The Dumfries and Galloway Youth Jazz Orchestra provides young people with the opportunity to perform together. The ensemble was founded 3 years ago. It is led by Richard Ingram, who has an international reputation as a field leader and is in great demand in the UK and internationally as a performer, composer and educator.

The orchestra has performed at Lockerbie Jazz Festival and Dumfries and District Music Festival, where its performance was awarded an ‘outstanding’ certificate. This will be the orchestra’s first performance at Kirkcudbright Jazz Festival.

Friday 9 June 2017, 12.30pm to 1.15pm [1230 to 1315]
Cochran Hall, Kirkcudbright

The Dumfries and Galloway Youth Jazz Orchestra is funded through the Creative Scotland Youth Music Initiative. Book your tickets HERE

Image Credit – www.kirkcudbrightcommunitycentre.co.uk


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