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Your event has been submitted for approval. All event uploads are manually checked and normally go live within 24 hours. You can upload another event here

Introducing DGWGO Event Boosts

DGWGO Event Boosts are a great way to get a BIG audience aware of your event. We will work with you to get your event seen by our highly engaged community and help sell your tickets.

12,000 Reach

24,000 Reach

40,000 Reach

Event Boosts Benefits

Each social media share (Facebook & Twitter) will:-

  • be seen, on average, 4,000 times
  • have a direct link to your online booking page (Eventbrite and TicketSource etc) on your social media shares which really helps to convert views into actual ticket sales
  • have a LARGE button on your listed DGWGO Event to either your online booking site, Facebook, Twitter or website
  • We will TAG your Facebook page so you can track the shares (via your Facebook notifications)
  • Include the event info on the Facebook share

The overall reach will be determined on how users engage with each social media share (likes, comments, TAGs, retweets, shares) A DGWGO social media share generally reaches between 2,000 and 10,000 users. We will create free additional shares for you to ensure the minimum reach is achieved.