Scottish International Storytelling Festival comes to  Dumfries and Galloway

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival (SISF) is inviting audiences from across the Dumfries and Galloway, to join storytellers, musicians and artists to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and embrace this year’s festival theme ‘Right To Be Human’ with tales of human courage and creativity, spoken with powerful words.

During this year’s festival (13-29 October), all across the country, stories will be told about the impacts of war, gender inequality, censorship; ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious prejudices; and other threats and challenges on our human rights as a global nation.

Locally, in Dumfries  there will be storytelling events included in the annual Wild Goose Festival (Thu 19-Sun 29 Oct) which explores nature, creativity and place, and celebrates the incredible journey undertaken by five species of wild geese from Greenland, Iceland and Svalbard to the Solway estuary.  Plus, Sami storyteller/joik singer Berit Alette Mienna and musician Øistein Hanssen will be celebrating stories, music and songs from the far north in Northern Tales and Tunes (Thu 26 Oct) at The Stove Network and Cafe.

Further afield in the village of Wanlockhead, storytellers Jean Edmiston, Andrew Foley and Kirsten Milliken explore the lives, folklore and customs of Wanlockhead’s 18th century miners with traditional stories, live illustration and readings from the original Ballad of the Wanlock Ingot (Fri 27 Oct).

As events take place across Scotland, SISF also invites audiences from further afield to tune into the Festival’s new podcast series Another Story –six weekly episodes themed around our right to be human.

Audiences can also join in online at Global Lab – a series of digital storytelling and development sessions. In week one (16-19 Oct) Global Lab will look at our planet’s eco-system and how ecological passion drives twenty-first century storytelling in association with Earth Charter International and, in week two the workshop theme Shared Lives (23-26 Oct) will focus on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the importance of valuing dignity, respect, equality and compassion in our lives.

Looking ahead to this year’s event, Scottish International Storytelling Festival Director, Donald Smith said: All over the world human and environmental rights are under threat. But against that there is an activist and creative tide building towards a different future. The Storytelling Festival is part of that wave.”


Listings Information

Scottish International Storytelling Festival
13 – 29 October 2023
In person in Edinburgh and across Scotland, and online
For tickets and more info visit

Connect with the festival on social media @ScotStoryFest #RightToBeHuman

Go Local Storytelling Events in Dumfries and Galloway:

Thu 19 – Sun 29 Oct
Wild Goose Festival
Full programme, booking and info

Thu 26 Oct, 7.30pm
Northern Tales and Tunes 
with Berit Alette Mienna and musician Øistein Hanssen, The Stove Network and Cafe, 100 High Street, DG1 2BJ (1hr) £5 adults and 12+
For booking and info

Fri 27 Oct, 7pm
The Ballad of the Wanlock Ingot with Jean Edmiston, Andrew Foley and Kirsten Milliken, Wanlockhead Community Centre, Manse Road ML12 6UT (2hrs) suggested donation £5, on the door
Info Kirsten Milliken,, [email protected]

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