
Afternoon of Music, Song and Dance at Locharbriggs Community Centre

After an extended break of eighteen months Locharbriggs Community Centre Association (LCCA) management committee are please to announce a return to their fund-raising programme with two events in the coming weeks.

On Sunday 26th September from 2pm Locharbriggs Community Centre will host ‘An Afternoon of Music, Song and Dance’

Providing the music will be William McRobert (accordion) along with ‘folk singer’ Peter Dreghorn, accordionist John Milne and Audrey’s Side Steppers ‘line dancing troupe’ with Centre chairman John Caskie acting as compere.

Members of The Corberry Park Pipers will play as attendees arrive for the afternoon’s entertainment.

Admission, on the door is £5.00 which includes half time tea and biscuits, there will also be a raffle draw during the afternoon.

The occasion will allow folk to join in the music and song, participate in a few dances and be able to meet up with friends old and new. Covid mitigations will be in operation with names being taken of all in attendance for track and trace purposes, face coverings have to be worn on arrival and departure to the Centre.


Proceeds will go towards the LCCA’s fund raising programme as will the proceeds from the Family Prize Bingo evening being held on Saturday 2nd October from 7.30pm.

Admission to the bingo night is £1.00 for adults and 50p per child, admission includes refreshments and a popular Irish bingo ticket.

Bingo books, flyer tickets, lucky squares and raffle tickets can all be purchased on arrival. Once again people attending will be asked to provide their contact details and wear face coverings as appropriate.


LCCA are grateful to members of the community, along with Tesco (Peel Centre), Morrison’s Dumfries and Tesco (Cuckoo Bridge) for their generous donations towards raffle and prizes for both events.

Full details on both events and / or hiring Locharbriggs Community Centre which is now well up and running, after their extended closure, can be obtained from centre chairman John M Caskie MBE on 07711573071 / 01387710975/ [email protected]