

Family Fest has some very important News that may cause a few issues on previous plans.

1 a 1 a family festWith regards to the recent bad weather Dumfries & Galloway has endured the last few weeks we have had to make a decision on the festivals date. We are pleased to say the festival will still go ahead but we are having to change its date to the 15th of August 2015. We really do not want to cancel the festival as it is such a massive event to raise funds for autism. For any that have bought tickets we realise this may cause concern or issues. For those that have bought tickets if you cannot make the event we will give a full refund. If you wish for this please get in contact through either this page by private message, the website www.familyfest.uk or [email protected]

We have had to cancel the campsite though with issues from the weather as we will no longer have the free field that was originally planned for this area. But all other areas of the festival will be the same as previously planned.

As we have lost the campsite we have had to change the opening times slightly to work with our local councils concerns of darker nights drawing in. We now start the festival at 11am but to finish at 10pm. We will run 1 less hour than previously planned but we will still bring to you all an amazing day, full of great local and further afield entertainment and a day to remember while raising an enormous amount for Scottish Autism and National Autistic Society Scotland.

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