
Galloway Glens ‘Can You Dig It’ Community Archaeology – Summer Programme Launched

One of the Galloway Glens’ key projects is a community archaeology project called ‘Can You Dig It’. Thanks to our funders Historic Environment Scotland and the Heritage Lottery, we have now launched our CYDI Summer Programme. All the events are aimed at supporting people to learn new archaeological skills – no prior experience is required.  And all the events are free!  


Starting on June 14th and 15th with two fascinating guided walks around Barhill Wood led by an Historic Woodland Specialist, the programme is full of interesting events.
There will be workshops on Survey Skills, Web-based Research and 3-D Modelling at various locations across the Galloway Glens area, which offer enthusiasts who are new to the field the chance to learn new skills about how to pursue their interest responsibly and effectively.

There are also 2 guided walks up Corserine Hill in the Glenkens, when Tom and Claire, our professional archaeologists from Rathmell Archaeology, will offer a fascinating insight into the stories and history behind the high ground wrecks that can still be seen up there.
Then in July, we are very excited to be doing some test-pit excavation on the Castledykes site in Kirkcudbright, to see what this can tell us about the history of the town, and also to learn new archaeological skills.

These can be extended further in early August, when we are delighted to be joining the Kirkcudbright Arts and Craft Trail as one of its venues while we excavate more test pits on Moat Brae.

Thanks to our funding from Historic Environment Scotland and the Heritage Lottery, we can offer all of these events for free, but spaces are limited and so must be booked in advance through [email protected] or 07827 306 866. Thanks as well to all of the landowners who have given us permission to work on their land, to the archaeology and museums departments of Dumfries and Galloway Councils and to Rathmell Archaeology, who are delivering all of these events for us.

Do come along if you can to find out more about the spread of history across our fascinating local area, and to learn new skills. No archaeological experience is necessary for any event, the main purpose is to learn and to have some fun!
Find more details on the events and get first notice of August and September events on our Can You Dig It Facebook and Twitter pages @GGLPArchaeology.


  • For more details, see http://www.gallowayglens.org/projects/community-archaeology-programme-can-you-dig-it/.
  • The Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership Scheme is a 5 year project, match-funded by the Heritage Lottery, which aims to connect people to their heritage and in doing so, support sustainable rural communities.
  • The Galloway Glens area covers the rivers Ken and Dee from their source north of the Glenkens, down through Castle Douglas and on to Kirkcudbright.
  • The Galloway Glens Scheme aims are to connect people with their natural, cultural and built heritage and to support sustainable rural communities.
  • There are 35 projects within the Galloway Glens Scheme, which started in April 2018 and will run until March 2023.
  • Historic Environment Scotland is the lead public body set up to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. https://www.historicenvironment.scot/
  • Rathmell Archaeology was established in 2003 by Thomas Rees. With their Head Office in Ayrshire in south-west Scotland, Rathmell Archaeology has established itself as a leading provider of commercial and community archaeological services.

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