
Kirkcudbright Incorporated Trades Celebrate First Burns Supper For 2 Years

The Haill Six Incorporated Trades of Kirkcudbright held their Burns Supper in Arden House Hotel on Saturday night.

Chairman Deacon Convener Ian D. Swan welcomed a full house after an enforced lay off for two years due the world pandemic.

Piper Ian Weymss piped the haggis in and it was addressed with some style by Rev. Graham Finch. Deacon Convener Donald Wilson of Irvine Incorporated Trades toasted the Incorporated Trades of Kirkcudbright and set the tone for the evening with his contribution.. The evenings principle speaker was Martin Cassidy, a distinguished Burnsian from Linwood near Paisley.

Mr Cassidy proposed a light and humorous toast to the Bard, highlighting the part religion played in the Bards life and work. Alec Ross toasted the Lasses with some fine observational humour and anecdotes.

The reply to this toast came from Isobel Watson who by word and song drew comparisons between Burns and Elvis Pressley.

Susan Muir held the audience captive with an animated and word perfect Tam O’ Shanter. She held the audience captive as she unravelled the Tale in Burns epic poem.

Musical accompanist for the evening was Iain Smith. Raffle and auction proceeds from the night will be donated to Ukranian Humanitarian relief.

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