Kirkton Old Tyme Dance Group Held Christmas Party

It was Christmas Party at Kirkton on Thursday 7th December when the Kirkton Old Tyme Dance Group held their Christmas Party.


The dancers in attendance were treated to great music from William and Ian McRobert, and songs from John Caskie.

The evening included a fun programme of dances, including ‘spot prize’ dances, won by David and Jean in the first half and Margaret and Maris in the second half.

Jennifer won ‘pass the parcel’ while Maybeth was victor in the play your cards right ‘corner game’

A light supper provided by the ‘reserve team’ in the kitchen was enjoyed by all.

Nina raised over £110 for Group funds in the raffle, while many members won a prize from the bumper table of prizes available.

Santa arrived (aka Robert) and presented all with a small gift, presents were also presented to William and Ian.

In turn, a present was presented to Santa, before he danced the Britannia Two Step with group members.

Gavin Foster thanked John Caskie for his hard work and dedication to the group and offered him a gift from the members. John thanked everyone for their generosity and kindness.

Dates for 2024 were announced with the group recommencing, back in Kirkton Village Hall on Thursday 11th January at 7.30pm

A rousing rendition of White Christmas and Winter Wonderland, by John before Auld Lang Syne, brought a fine evening to a close.

Everyone was wished a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as they departed after one of the best nights the group have had in their 32-year history.


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