Newton Stewart Walking Festival 2021 Cancelled (Covid-19)

The decision has been taken to cancel this May’s Newton Stewart Walking Festival due to the continuing Covid crisis. The event had been scheduled to take place between 7th and 13th May 2021.

Chair of the group of volunteers who organise the event, Joan Mitchell, said:

“The committee has regretfully had to take the decision to cancel Newton Stewart Walking Festival for another year.  The safety of our walkers and leaders, and protection of the wider community has to take priority. The festival would, of course need to adhere to all Covid related guidelines and regulations which were in place at the time and this led us to the conclusion that the only prudent option was to cancel the festival for 2021.”
“We have been in touch with our supporters reassuring them that the walking festival will return in 2022, Covid permitting, as we are in a sound financial position and our enthusiasm is undimmed.  It’s been gratifying to have had responses from friends from round the country expressing their support and regrets. In the meantime local residents can continue to enjoy the many local walking routes which exist around Newton Stewart and elsewhere, in line with current regulations.”

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