The Third ‘Galloway Footsteps’ Event Investigates The Carbon Savings That Can Be Achieved ‘Inside The Home’.

The ‘Galloway Footsteps’ initiative explores how individual changes we can each make contribute to a tangible reduction in our personal carbon footprint. The series of 4 events include expert speakers, with participants encouraged to use the Giki online carbon footprint calculator ( to record the benefit of the changes they make.

—-Online Event – 07 July, 7.30pm—-

The First two events looked at ‘What we buy’ and ‘What we eat’. The next event, at 7.30pm on 7th June focusses on the changes we can make ‘Inside the Home’. Speakers will include local representatives of Home Energy Scotland, the national organisation giving free and impartial advice on saving energy in your home, and Jenna Cains from the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, outlining how individual actions on this topic can make a difference to our carbon footprint.


The ‘Galloway Footsteps’ events are free to attend and open to all, irrespective of whether you are measuring your footprint on the Giki platform.

Book your place by searching for ‘Galloway Footsteps’ or click here:


If you haven’t yet joined ‘Team Galloway’ on Giki and would like to include your personal Giki ‘scores’ in the collective team’s carbon reduction achievements, please contact [email protected] for details of how to join us!


McNabb Laurie, Galloway Glens Team leader and overseeing the event on 7th July, said

“It’s really exciting to be able to offer people such in-depth and clear steps to take to reduce their environmental impact. I’m so impressed with how Team Galloway has got on already – but there’s always more to do, and the more people who join in, the bigger the impact we’ll make. The climate emergency is upon us, and as well as the structural changes that are needed, we can all play our individual part in lightening our environmental footprint on Galloway.”


Jenna Cains, Community & Education lead for the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere – also speaking at the July event – said:

“It is inspiring to see the communities in the Galloway Glens and beyond making such a contribution to climate action through individual and community steps to reduce their carbon footprint. It is exactly this kind of communal action that creates the large impacts that we need to combat climate change. We are delighted to be involved.”


The ‘Galloway Footsteps’ events are an initiative overseen by the Galloway Glens Scheme, Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Climate Emergency Project Officer, the Crichton Carbon Centre and the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere.

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