C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their 2nd Sale of Scotch Mule Ewe Lambs and Gimmers in Dumfries on Saturday.
2451 Scoth Mule Ewe Lambs Forward– A Large Ringside of Buyers were again Present with Lambs Heading throughout the Country. The Lambs Were Generally Smaller on the year, trade was Pleasing to level at £85 (2016 – £91.06)
Principal Prices
£106, £90 Merkland, £105, £90 Lightshaw, £99, £97 Birchwood Way, £98, £97, £90 Clonrae, £97, £93, £90 Wyliehole, £97 Ashburn, £96, £95 Kikrton of Crawford, £95, £90 Nisbet, £95 Sweetshawhead, £94 Guelt, £94, £90 Ashmark, £93 Auchenhessnane, £91 Brandleys, £91 High Cairn, £90 Woodend Way, £90 Ardoch, £90 Breconside.
138 Other Breed Ewe Lambs
Principal Prices
Texel to £118, £92 Kirkbog
Chev.Mule £90 Burn
680 Blackface Ewe Lambs: Met a Steady Demand to Level at +
£49.07 (2016 – £48.87)
Principal Prices
£65, £58 Sweetshawhead, £58 Mitchellslacks, £54 (x2) Kirkland, £50 Glenmanna, £50 Earlshaugh.
712 Gimmers: Buyers Selective
Principal Prices
Texel to £156 Kirkbog, £142 Kilfaddoch, £140 Liscleugh, £140 Tara
Mil Blue to £154, £132 Waterside of Terregles.
Cross to £140, £130 Garrochtrie, £134 Riggheads, £128 Foregirth.
Half-Bred £136 Marwhirn
Breeding Ewes
Principal Prices
Texel to £126, £119 Cocklicks
Store Lambs Met Increased Competition.
Principal Prices
Texel to £65 Capelffot, £59.50 Lochmailing, £54.50 Tibbers
Blackface to £46 Laghead
Cheviot to £58.50 Capelffot, £59 Tibbers.