
Carson Cautiously Welcomes Electrofishing Trial

FINLAY Carson has today cautiously welcomed the announcement to have a controlled trial of electrofishing in Scotland.


The announcement, by the Scottish Government, comes after a report by Marine Scotland found that electro-fishing had a lower environmental impact than methods like dredging.


Marine Scotland will now consult further with partner public bodies, including Scottish Natural Heritage, and with the Scottish Fishermen’s Associations to ascertain the best locations for trials to take place.


Since his election last May, Finlay Carson has been calling on Fishing Minister Fergus Ewing to take action to stop the current illegal electrofishing practices taking places in Scottish waters.


Commenting, Galloway & West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson, said:


“I cautiously welcome the announcement to hold a controlled trial of electrofishing in Scotland. It is important that any future decisions on the legalisation of electrofishing must be based on science, to ensure a sustainable fishery for the future.
“One of my main concerns has always been the ability of Marine Scotland to police this fishery effectively. In Luce Bay and Fleet Bay in my constituency there have been regular cases of illegal electrofishing, with Marine Scotland apparently unable to take the appropriate action, despite concerns being raised on an almost daily basis by local fishermen and myself.
“Since I was elected last May I have been tirelessly making the case that the current illegal electrofishing practices in Scotland’s waters are unacceptable. This move by the Scottish Government appears to be a step in the right direction.


“Given that the Solway has been one of the main centres of illegal activity, I would ask the Scottish Government to seriously consider this being one of the trial areas.”

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