Farmer of the Year Award For Cream of Galloway’s David Finlay

David Finlay from Cream of Galloway, Rainton has won the Farmer of the Year Award at the Ceva Animal Welfare Awards.


David is a pioneer in the management of dairy cows and calves to ensure his enterprise is both welfare friendly and financially stable.  He is not afraid to challenge conventional thinking and try novel approaches that maximise animal welfare, but always with a pragmatic approach to running a successful business; he is therefore a role model for other farmers who may wish to adopt some of his farming methods.


The awards were hosted by TV presenter and animal lover, Matt Baker, and renowned retired veterinary surgeon, Chris Laurence MBE FRCVS, who puts his name to the Vet of the Year Award.  They recognise the achievements of remarkable people from the farming, veterinary and charity industries, who go beyond the call of duty to better the lives of animals around the world.  The awards’ ceremony on 3 April in the run up to BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association) Congress saw praise bestowed on all the shortlisted nominees and winners were announced across eight categories.


Speaking at the ceremony, David Finlay, said: “I am honoured and delighted to have won the Farmer of the Year Award at the Ceva Animal Welfare Awards and I would like to thank the whole team at Cream of Galloway for their hard work in ensuring that the welfare of our livestock is at the forefront of everything that we do.”


Winners of the Ceva Animal Welfare Awards 2019 by category, are:


Chris Laurence Vet of the Year Award in association with Vet Record

Hannah Capon, Canine Arthritis Management


Vet Nurse of the Year Award in association with Agria Pet Insurance

Rachel Wright, TOLFA


Charity Team of the Year Award in association with PDSA

Ebony Horse Club, Brixton


Charitable Contribution of the Year Award in association with Blue Cross 

Fiona Gammell, Wicklow Animal Welfare


Farmer of the Year Award in association with R.A.B.I.

David Finlay, Rainton Farm, Castle Douglas


Farm Educator of the Year in association with NADIS

James Griffiths from Taynton Court Farm, Gloucester


International Cat Care Welfare of the Year Award

Ian MacFarlaine, chief inspector of SPCA in Bermuda


One individual was given special recognition during the evening.  The Outstanding Contribution to Animal Welfare Award in association with Your Dog and Your Cat was presented to Professor Jacky Reid, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow and CEO of the innovative research company, NewMetrica.  Jacky and her multi-disciplinary team of renowned academics from the University of Glasgow have dedicated over 20 years to researching pain and quality of life measurement in pets.  Her work into these vital areas at the University of Glasgow and, since retiring from the University, as part of NewMetrica is truly innovative and widely respected and she works tirelessly to broaden its reach for the benefit of the welfare of animals.


“It is the second consecutive year that I have presented the Ceva Animal Welfare Awards and once again I am touched and humbled by the individuals and organisations who work tirelessly to enhance and promote animal welfare both in the UK and abroad to make a real difference to the lives of animals,” commented, co-host of the awards, Matt Baker.


For further information on the Ceva Animal Welfare Awards visit

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