Dumfries Auction Mart Spring Bull Sale Report

C & D Auctions conducted the Annual Spring Live and Online Bidding Sale of Hereford and Aberdeen Angus Bulls at Mains of Airies, Kirkcolm, Stranraer on behalf of John Douglas and Family

32 Hereford & 6 Aberdeen Angus bulls were presented to a huge ringside of buyers who ventured to the south west of Scotland, attracted by the quality of the outwintered, unpampered, May/June 21 born bulls on offer and along with online interest, bulls were easily sold , finding homes throughout the UK. Resulting in a 100% clearance to average £3297.

Leading price of £5800 was paid for the first bull in the ring – Towford L1 Achievement 303009 out of Ervie L1 Achievement cow. This stylish rangy bull sold to local producer R. Parker, Drumdow.
Welsh producer A.W Evans, Dol-llys Farm, Powys paid £4200 for Towford Achiever 4031, a long light birth weight bull from the Ervie Lisette Family.

A light birth weight bull from the Ervie Narcissi family – Towford Achiever 503025 then sold at £3800 to PRW Farms, Balmaghie

The Aberdeen Angus bulls attained £5200 for Airies Sholto 70291 which caught they eye of Messrs
Wilkinson, Perth
Followed by Airies Sholto 302924 at £3400 heading to Kirkcudbright with RKG Farms.

Prices ranged from £5800 to £2600

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