DUMFRIES Young Calves 25.08.14

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their Fortnightly Sale of Young Calves in Dumfries on Monday.
Smaller Show of 10 Calves forward with prices exceeding recent high rates. Many more beef bred calves are needed to satisfy buyers requirements.
Top Prices on the day was £420 for a Limousin x Bull Calf from Ryes Farm.
Limousin Bulls £420 Ryes, £300 Trailflatt
B&W Bulls £40 (x3_ (1-2wo) Courance


Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC held their fortnightly Sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday.
327 Forward – more stronger cattle forward. Trade remains good. Plenty of buyers from throughout the country actively seeking cattle.
180 Bullocks ave 210.4p to 254p and £1325
32 Holstein Friesian Bullocks ave 139.4p to 154p and £805
115 Heifers ave 206.3p to 242.9p and £1260

Top prices
Bullocks Per Head
Limousin to £1325, £1100 No 6 Howes, £1275 Shenrick, £1220 Landis, £1160, £1060 Holehouse, £1095, £1030 Midtown, £1090, £1080, £1055, £1045 Cocklicks, £1090 Kirkbride, £1050 East Gallaberry

Angus to £1240, £1090, £1080, £1045 Barwhanny, £1190 Landis, £1100 Kirkbride, £1040, £1000 Shambellie Grange, £1025 Midtown, £1000 Woodside

British Blue to £1195 East Gallaberry, £1180 Shenrick, £1115 Longrigg, £1100 West Lanegate, £1090, £1030 Kirkbride, £1080 West Trailtrow, £1060 Holehouse, £1025 Landis, £980 Midtown

Charolais to £1180, £1130, £110, £1090 West Lanegate

Fleckvieh to £1180 Shenrick

Simmental to £1145 (x2), £1020 Longrigg, £1095 Borgue House

Hereford to £1090, £990 Barwhanny, £965 Dalswinton

Shorthorn to £950, £940, £920 Borgue House, £920 Newlands

Friesian to £805, £785, £770 Longrigg, £700 Barrsyard

Heifers Per Head

British Blue to £1260, £1190, £1040 West Trailtrow, £1045, £9802 East Gallaberry, £1005 Longrigg

Angus to £1190 West Trailtrow

Limousin to £1165, £1125 Trailflat, £1080 Landis, £1045 East Gallaberry, £1035 Longrigg

Charolais to £1100, £985 West Lanegate, £960 Netherhall

Continental to £1045 East Gallaberry

Simmental to £980 (x2) Longrigg, £900 Borgue House

Bullocks Per Kilo
Limousin to 254p Cocklicks
Angus to 229.8p Woodside
British Blue to 223.4p East Gallaberry
Simmental to 223.4p Nethertown
Charolais to 220.2p West Lanegate
Shorthorn to 211.5p Borgue House
Friesian to 154p Longrigg

Heifers Per Kilo
Limousin to 242.9p Newbigging
British Blue to 220.2p East Gallaberry
Charolais to 219.5p West Lanegate

Store Lambs – 22.08.14

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their opening Sale of Store Lambs in Dumfries on Friday.
An active ringside of buyers in attendance. Trade firm for all classes.
Top Prices

Suffolk (ave £62.31) to £73, £68, £66 Raggiewhat

Texel (ave £53.45) to £60.50, £60 Capelfoot, £57 Knockenhair

Mule (ave £50.63) to £55.50 Merkland, £50.50 Hillend


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