Dumfries Mart Monthly Pig Sale Report 7/8/23

C & D Marts Dumfries held their monthly sale of all classes of pigs on Monday 7th August 2023. A smaller entry was forward but demand was strong with a total clearance effected.  More pigs could have been sold to advantage.


Baconers sold to £235 and £230 for Saddlebacks from Kelso and £235 for a Large White cross from Earlston. A Pertshire consigned pen of four Large Black gilts realised £198 per head. Boars made to £172 and £170 with cast sows to £158. Young boars were making £95 for Pietrain and £90 for Oxford Sandy Blacks. Oxford Sandy Black growers made £90 for a pen of six with a pen of seven at £75.


The next monthly pig sale is on Monday 4th September with the autumn special sale of pedigree and non-pedigree breeding pigs scheduled for Monday 16th October.


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