
Dumfries Mart Weekly Sales Report – 24 & 26/7/23


C & D Auction Marts held their fornightly sale of store cattle in Dumfries.

253 Forward – Another good ringside of buyers were in attendance despite the recent slip in the finished beef returns. Demand was strong for all classes,


Bullocks to £1550 from H & A Hiddleston, Park Farm and 306.7p/kg Belridding

Heifers to £1440 sold by B M Ramsay, High Auchneel and 295.6p/kg West Lanegate


Bullocks per head – AA – £1550 £1370 Park, £1420 £1250 Shenrick, £1265 High Auchneel, £1245 Seafield. Char – £1435 Shenrick, £1400 £1385 £1335 Park, £1285 Millhill. Lim – £1430 Shenrick, £1390 High Auchneel, £1380 Belridding, £1325 £1260 £1245 Seafield, £1165 Lantonside. Siml – £1315 Millhill. BB – £1235 Backburn. Fri – £1170 Park. Sal – £1150 High Auchneel. Gal – £920 Glenlea.


Heifers per head – Lim – £1440 £1300 £1200 High Auchneel, £1320 Ballaggan, £1280 Backburn, £1195 Belridding, £1130 Hazelbank. AA – £1430 Ballaggan, £1300 £1200 High Auchneel, £1160 Maxwellbank, £1110 Seafield. Sal – £1300 £1200 High Auchneel. BSH – £1200 High Auchneel. Char – £1185 £1120 West Lanegate, £1140 Burnside, £1140 Millhill. BB – £1170 Seafield. Sim – £1140 Millhill. Her – £1100 Maxwellbank



C&D Auction Marts held their Weekly Sale of Primestock in Dumfries.


Prime cattle met a competitive trade selling to 323p/kg for Limousin Heifer from J. Jardine, Yett to R. Johnstone & Sons, Butchers, Annan.

Bullocks to 305p/kg Fauldingcleugh


OTM’s comprised a show of leaner type cows and a satisfactory trade prevailed.



Per Head – Lim – £1588.75 £1289.25 Ballaggan. Sal – £1257.95 West Skelston. BB – £1247.85 West Skelston. Hol – £1096 Muirside, £1021.20 Ryemuir. Fri – £1036.35 Grains.


Per Kilo – Lim – 191p Ballaggan, 183p West Skelston. Sal – 181p West Skelston. BB – 177p West Skelston. Fri – 147p Grains. Hol – 138p Ryemuir, 137p Muirside, 132p Brownrigg.


Prime Sheep Forward


562 Prime Lambs – Trade better than expected.


85 Lambs (32.1kg-39kg) averaging 268.8p/kg to 295p/kg Maryholm

Belt – £112 Maryholm

Tex – £111 Whitehall

Mil Blue – £109.50 Townpark


328 Lambs (39.1kg-45kg) averaging 262.5/kg to 286p/kg Eastside

Tex – £124 £122 Eastside. £120.50 Rashgill, £120 Shangan

Suf – £117 Netherhall

Dut Spot – £111 Laneside


149 Lambs (45.6kg+) averaging 262.7p/kg to 277p/kg Newmains

Tex –  £137 £133.50 Shangan, £134 Eastside & Hunthills, £133 £131 Newmains, £132 Rashgill, £130 Glenlaugh

Suf – £134 Tara, £123 £122×2 Netherhall



147 Cast Ewes and Rams – Would be sharper on the week for a plainer offering


Tex – £180 Newton Bungalow, £146 Shangan, £144 Druidhall

X – £126 Shangan, £124 £118 West Skelston, £122 Druidhall

NCC – £122 Dressertland

BFL – £114 Dalpeddar



Tex – £175 Roshglen, £156 Hall of Drumpark

Suf – £158 Roshglen

BFL – £134 £122 Hall of Drumpark




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