
Dumfries Mart Weekly Sales Reports 21 & 23/8/23



C&D Auctions held their Wednesday sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Ewes in Dumfries

1040 Prime Lambs – Well fleshed and heavy lambs met a firm demand.


174 Lambs (32.1kg-39kg) averaging 253/kg to 266p/kg Little Fenwick

Texel – £102 Ruthwell, £101 High Townhead, £100.50 Gillenbie

Charollais – £100.50 Springfield Hill


519 Lambs (39.1kg-45kg) averaging 258.8/kg to 285p/kg Garloff

Texel – £121 Garloff, £117.50 Belridding, £117 Craighead

Blue Texel – £118 £113 Garloff

Charollais – £113 Springfield Hill

Suffolk – £107.50 Burnhead


349 Lambs (45.6kg+) averaging 257.6p/kg to 266p/kg Netherhall

Suffolk – £130.50 £127.50×2  Netherhall

Texel – £130 Shangan, £127 Netherhall, £126 Garloff, £125.50 Eastside

Blue Texel – £121 Garloff


321 Cast Ewes and Rams – All classes maintained recent rates

199 Heavy Ewes Averaged £97.63 to a top of £142

122 Light Ewes Averaged £78.85 to a top of £98

Tex – £138 Newmains £130 Shangan £130 Newmains

Suff – £142 Barony £122 Abune The Brae £118 Halldykes

Half Bred- £110 Hartbush

X- £100 Shangan £97 Newbigging

Chev/Mule-£110 Halldykes £90 Ballagan

BFL- £110 Calside Road

Chev- £98 Marwhirn

Lleyn £88 Hightownhead


C&D Mart Ltd Dumfries held their fortnightly sale of rearing calves and stirks on 21st August 2023. A good number of calves were presented to a large participant ringside of buyers and sold to a top of £512 for a beef bred Sim X bull calf from Messer’s Hutton.


A good numbers of dairy bull calves were shown and although slightly younger than usual they sold to a top of £135.


Many more calves can be sold to vendors advantage and early entries are enthusiastically sought to match current demand.


Simmental cross bulls to £512 and £490

Holstein Bulls to £130


For Further entries and enquiries  please contact auctioneer Robert Weir on 07885 729 495 or office on 01387 279 495.


Potential vendors please note the strong demand for good quality calves to be sold to your advantage.  The next calf sale is on 4th September 2023.


C & D Auction Marts held their fornightly sale of store cattle in Dumfries.

Demand outstrips supply as trade improves with a full attendance of buyers, all requesting cattle in greater numbers

Bullocks to £1490 Park and to 308.3/kg Glenlea

Heifers to £1530 Park and 311.6p/kg Hartbush


Bullocks per head – Charolais – £1490 £1480 £1440 £1430 £1390 Park, £1370 Hartbush, £1340 Millhill, £1320 Netherhall. Angus – £1450 Park, £1280 High Auchneel, £1260 Brickhouse, £1210 Fingland. Limousin – £1440 Ballaggan, £1370 Hartbush, £1215 High Auchneel. Hereford – £1440 Ballaggan, £1375 £1255 Mouswald Grange, £1275 Baltersan. Simmental – £1395 £1370 Hartbush, £1360 £1355 Balnagleck, £1340 Millhill. Montbelliarde – £1280 Mouswald Grange. Swed Red – £1185 Whitecroft Mains. Beef Shorthorn – £1180 High Auchneel. Friesian – £1090 Baltersan. Holstein – £1060 Balnagleck. Dairy Shorthorn – £1040 Baltersan. Galloway – £1015 Glenlea.


Heifers per head – Charolais – £1530 £1390 £1240 Park, £1480×2 Hartbush, £1380 High Auchneel, £1225 £1215 West Lanegate. Simmental – £1480 Hartbush, £1320 High Auchneel, £1320 £1190 Balnagleck, £1195 Oxgang.  Hereford – £1380 £1320 High Auchneel. Limousin – £1360 High Auchneel, £1340 Netherhall. Saler – £1360 High Auchneel. Angus – £1320 £1280 £1110 High Auchneel. Nor Red – £1040 Whitecroft Mains. British Blue – £1040 Auchenhill.



C&D Auction Marts held their opening Monday Sale of OTM and Prime Cattle. A huge increased attendance of buyers were actively seeking OTM’s of all classes with trade reversing the national trend.


More required fortnightly Mondays to fulfil buyers demands for futher advice please contact any of our Auctioneers or Office Staff.


Beef Cows to 235p/kg and £1821.25 from G. Mair, Meikleholm to ave 195p/kg

Dairy Cows to 203p/kg and £1695.05 D. Kincaid Slacks to ave 155p/kg


Prime Cattle sold to increased competition selling to 328p/kg from J. Jardine, Yett to R. Johnstone & Sons, Butchers, Annan


Per Head – Limousin – £1821.25 Meikleholm. Fleckvieh – £1695.05 Slacks. Angus – £1657.50 Auchencrieff, £1624 Park, £1325 Kirkbride. Simmental – £1624.95 Meikleholm. Dairy Shorthorn – £1269 Searigg. Meuse Rhine Isel – £1147.30 Searigg. Holstein – £980 Chapelcroft, £949.75 Branetrigg. Ayrshire – £910.15 Grains. 


Per Kilo – Limousin – 235p Meikleholm, 207p Kirkbride. Angus – 221p Auchencreiff, 212p Kirkbride, 203p Park. Simmental – 207p Meikleholm. Fleckvieh – 203p 187p Slacks. Dairy Shorthorn – 180p Searigg. Holstein – 177p Slacks. Ayrshire – 167p Grains. Friesian – 149p Grains. Meuse Rhine Isel – 149p Searigg.


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