Dumfries Store Cattle 17.10.16


C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their Annual Show & Sale of suckled calves and Store Cattle in Dumfries on Monday with an entry of 780 head.

300 Suckled Calves were presented to the days Judge Mr David Morgan, Almeley who found his best animal in the pen from W Templeton & Son, Glenlaugh with their late April born Charolais x Heifer making £1050 (355.9p/kg) to the judge.
However a spectacular run of Limousin Bred calves (March/April) from Gary Bell, Haas-side Farm met a flying trade of £1400 (424.2p), £1310 (403.1p), £1250 (357.1p), £1200 (328.8p), £1120 (367.2p), Sunnyhill £890 (285.2p)
British Blue x Calves (April Born) from Drumburn to £1020 (340p), £860 (292.9p), £840 (289.1p), Sunnyhill (285.7p).
Charolais x Calves (April Born) from Townhead £935 (288.17p), £895 (287.7p), Whinneyhill £810 (262.3p)
Blonde x Calves (March born) from Maryfield £790 (272.4p)
Angus x Calves (April Born) from Dollard £735 (248.1p), Culcaigrie £620 (240.5p)
Simmental x Calves (April born) from Townhead £855 (267.2p)
Heifer Calves
Charolais to Glenlaugh £1050 (355.9p), £970 (328.8p), Romesbeoch £830 (332p), Townhead £810 (270p)
Simmental to Glencrosh £640 (240.7p)
Limousin to Haas-side £1300 (406.3p), £1150 (319.4p), Sunnyhill £1000 (321.4p), £930 (317.5p), £900 (310p)

Charolais to Upper Rigg £600 (245.5p)

Spring Born Calves Bullocks ave £767.46 (252.2p)
Spring Born Calves Heifers ave £598.77 (222.2p)
Spring Born Calves Bulls ave £545 (215.2p)

480 Store Cattle – A large ringside of buyers actively seeking cattle and all classes would be sharper.

280 Bullocks ave 198.4p to 241.9p and £1280
55 Holstein Friesain ave 137.6p to 156.8p and £745
162 Heifers ave 196.8p to 226.7p and £1120
13 Bulls ave 208.3p to 241.3p and £965

Per Head
Charolais to £1280 West Crossleys, £1105, £1010 Annefield, £1040, £905 Shawfield, £950 Netherahll, £900 Borgue House
Angus to £1110 No 6 Howes, £1020 Kirkbride, £1020, £990 Sweetbit, £1010
Ballaggan, £1005 (x2) Keyla Park, £945 Mosside, £935 Potholm, £920 Beechgrove, £920 Baltersan, £905 Netherhall
Limousin to £1095, £1085, £940 Kirkbride, £1085 Annefield, £1040, £1025 Lantonside, £1010 Ballaggan, £1040 Wyliehole, £1035 (x2) No 6 Howes, £1015, £970 Glenstockadale, £1005, £955 Keyla Park, £970 Terregles, £950 Netherhall, £950 Edingham
Simmental to £1040, £905 Shawfield, £930 Borgue House, £895 Springfield, £860 High Barlay
Hereford to £980, £930 Baltersan
Saler to £950 Edingham
Charolais to £905 Beechgrove
Blonde to £900 Maryfield
Beef Shorthorn to £855 Corriehills
Shorthorn to £830 Cocklicks

Charolais to £1120 Sweetbit, £925, £905 Annefield, £895 Borgue House
Angus to £1100 Lantonside, £990, £920 Kirkbride, £960 Glenstockadale, £945 Keyla Park
Simmental to £1050 Maryfield, £920, £880 Shawfield, £895 Borgue House
Limousin to £955 Edingham, £935 Kirkbride, £935, £930, £890 Glenstockadale, £935, £910 Wyliehole,£910 Sweetbit, £895 Netherhall £885 Mosside
Charolais to £900, £885 Beechgrove
British Blue to £865 Cocklicks, £865 Backburn

Limousin to £965 Bankswood

The days show was very kindly sponsored by Soltyre Ltd, Dumfries

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