Machars Young Farmers Root Show 2016

Machars Young Farmers Club held their Annual Root Show on Saturday 15th October in Wigtown County Buildings. The Root Show returned to Machars Young Farmers syllabus in 2013, with entries increasing year on year, this year was no exception with over 350 entries from 66 entrants. The amazing selection of entries were judged by Tom Hutchison, Elizabeth Wallace and Jennifer Brodie. Mr Tom Cannon did a superb job of opening the show and presented the prize winners with their trophies. Congratulations to our trophy winners Pippa Vance, Tara Little, James Vance, Craig Brown and Ginny Arnott. Teas and coffees were also served during the show with proceeds going to club funds.

A huge thank you to Mr Tom Cannon and all of our judges.

Thank you to all of our sponsors; Briars Engravers, Carolines Catering, Craig Wilsons, G and C Galloway, KW Alternative Feeds, L.S. Smellie and Sons Ltd, Mr Ronald Graham, Scottish Connection Antique, The Priory Veterinary Centre and Mr Harry Walker.

We must also thank all of the family members of the original trophy presenters who donated towards prizes. Finally, thanks to The Clansman, Laggan Outdoor Activity Centre and The Pheasant for donating vouchers for the raffle. The show would not be possible without all of your generosity.

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