Machars Young Farmers Spirits Not Dampened At Wigtown Show

Last week was a very busy week once again for Machars Young Farmers Club!

The Club were in full force at the Wigtown Show on Wednesday 2nd of August, a slightly wet show didn’t dampen everyones spirits, especially at night with over 600 people attending the show dance!

Saturday the 5th of August then saw Dumfries Show.Where Machars YFC handicrafts girls presented their amazing display: Emily Nash, Rose Nash, Charlotte Nash and Robyn Wallace.



Mr Gavin Redpath very kindly came along to Grange of Cree Farm to give the Club a Dairy Dressing Demonstration on Monday 31st July. A Spokes person for the club said “It was a really interesting night and i’m sure we all learnt a lot! We would like to give a huge thank you to Gavin.”

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