
NFU Scotland Highlights Concern Over Future Agri-Environment Climate Scheme

NFU Scotland is clear that certainty over the continuity of agri-environment measures is urgently required

NFU Scotland has written to Scottish Government to request clarity on future agri-environment management to secure the confidence of Scottish farmers and crofters to continue to deliver on biodiversity and climate change outcomes whilst producing high quality, sustainable food.

Whilst pilots are underway for the 2021 to 2024 period, it is regrettable that during this interim period there is no clear commitment to allow and encourage farmers and crofters to undertake and deliver on a wide range of environmental benefits and public goods.

With over 3000 farms crofts and estates enrolled in the Scheme, AECS has a strong buy in from the industry and is one of the most effective mechanisms to ensure that farmers, crofters and land managers are incentivised and rewarded for delivering on environmental issues.

NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick, who farms in Dumfries and Galloway said: “It is disappointing that there is no clear commitment to allow and encourage farmers and crofters to undertake biodiversity measures, water quality improvements, flooding mitigation, organic conversion, public access provision, and the like.”
“There must be no gap in support for agri-environment support to ensure farmers and crofters have the confidence in future schemes to continue to come forward with proposals and applications and ensure Scotland continues to deliver on environmental goals.”

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