
Glasgow Student Needs Local Opinion On Reintroduction Of Eurasian Lynx Into Galloway Forest

30 year old (mature student) Elizabeth Barre, from Glasgow. is reaching out to Dumfries and Galloway residents to find out their opinions on the reintroduction of Lynx into local forests,  based on other academic research which suggests that the Galloway Forest Park and surrounding areas are suitable locations for lynx. 

Elizabeth told DGWGO ” I am a Geography Student from the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences (GES) at the University of Glasgow.  I am conducting a study for my dissertation project. My project involves researching rewilding as a concept together with evaluating the benefits and challenges of a proposed reintroduction of Eurasian Lynx (referred to as lynx going forward) to the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands.
The key objectives of my project are as follows:
  • To explore rewilding as a concept: its definitions, intentions, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • To evaluate the requirements, together with the potential benefits and challenges of a proposed lynx reintroduction in Scotland.
  • To gain insight into public and organisation/non-public perceptions and understanding of rewilding as a concept and species reintroductions in Scotland.
  • To identify lessons learned and recommendations from other animal reintroductions e.g. lynx reintroductions in other countries, beaver reintroductions in Scotland.
In order to gain an insight into public perceptions, I have created an online survey using Microsoft Forms which has 27 questions that take approximately 10 minutes to complete. This survey is currently opened and will close around mid-September depending on the number of responses I receive. My project will be completed in December 2021 and be submitted as a ‘Dissertation’.”

This is a link to the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/PwwV5cVtzj

This is a link to the Participant Information Sheet for the survey: https://gla-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/0801152b_student_gla_ac_uk/EfWCXu9sV-lBsdmnMchoOSUBYFS6vR-8MaAv7w8xO-en_Q

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

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