Nationally renowned carriage driving centre, Chariots of Fire, is celebrating its 20th year in Dumfries and Galloway. The centre, which specialises in providing driving experiences for disabled and disadvantaged people, is kicking off the celebrations by holding a mass participation sponsored challenge in aid of local charity SPORTS DRIVING UNLIMITED.
During the month of May, they hope to welcome hundreds of participants to the centre to take part in their largest ever sponsored event to raise vital funds for the group. The Challenge is open to anyone, even if they have no driving experience and is an ‘all abilities’ challenge, so there is no excuse not to join in the fun! There will be a driven mini-obstacle course for novice and junior drivers and a blindfold cones course for the more adventurous (or slightly mad!).

Sports Driving Unlimited is a locally based charity that funds driving experiences for local disabled people, disability groups and many schools. It provides a vital opportunity to participate in sport, learn new skills and even take part in competitions; experiences that many of us take for granted in everyday life, but that can often be difficult for disabled people to access.

If you, your family or a group you are involved in would like to take part in the challenge, please drop us an email on [email protected] . If you are unable to take part, but would like to make a donation, please visit our fundraising page on and mention the “Challenge” in your message.

Amanda Saville of Chariots of Fire said “ This is an exciting opportunity for people of all abilities to enjoy a challenge and the thrill of driving, while raising funds that will help so many.”
Rosemary Flexney of Sports Driving Unlimited said “This Challenge is a wonderful way to celebrate a great milestone for the Chariots of Fire Driving Centre. It is marvellous that so many have already signed up to raise funds for Sports Driving Unlimited. I hope lots more will do the same and have exciting fun whilst raising money for a local charity.”

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