
Club Accreditation For Racketball and Squash Club

Laurieknowe Squash and Racketball Club are one of the first Nithsdale Sports Clubs to receive the new Sports Club Accreditation award.

The scheme aims to support clubs to improve the quality of opportunities and is an effective way for clubs to demonstrate to parents, schools and the wider community that they have achieved nationally recognised minimum criteria in governance, child protection, welfare, equity, first aid and other key areas and operate a safe environment to play sport.

LSRC have had a successful year…

• They have been selected by Scottish Squash and Racketball as the host venue for the 2017 Scottish National Racketball Championships. This event will be held on 29 and 30 April and will attract players from all over Scotland and some from south of the border.
• During the October school holidays the club held 2 racketball taster sessions under the Active Schools and Community Sport holiday programme which saw 9 new young players attend.
• They also introduced a trial Ladies Day at the Club late summer, the success of which led to 2 further events with more events planned for the spring.
• The club are also working with The Council’s Youth Enquiry Service (YES) as part of their Wednesday evening “Happy Feet” programme.
The club will be working with the Council’s Active Schools and Community Sport team as part of the Easter Holiday Programme.
Chair of the Council’s Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning Committee, Councillor Jeff Leaver said;

“The Sports Club Accreditation Scheme aims to make clubs safer and stronger with recognised standards of welfare, equality, coaching and management. An accredited Club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as helping parents and carers know that they’re choosing the right Club for their young people.”
Our photo shows John Allison, Active Schools and Community Sport Officer, presenting the club accreditation to Keith Gristwood and members from the club.

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