Dalbeattie Community Sport Hub Needs You

Dalbeattie Community Sport Hub is a partnership between local sports clubs, Active Schools, local schools and other agencies interested in increasing participation in sport in their local community.

The sport hub meets on a regular basis to work out how to help get more people involved in their local sport clubs or generally become more active locally. The hub is currently looking at ways of being able to improve the links between clubs and schools to make it easier for young people to try a sport in school and then be welcomed into the club environment if they would like to play more regularly.

Sue Brodie, Community Sport Hub Development Officer said, ‘One of the challenges clubs face is having enough volunteer helpers to support any work that is going on in schools. I am therefore contacting parents and carers to ask if they would be interested in helping getting young people involved in local sport. They may not be ‘sporty’ themselves, but would just like to help out. I’m sure everyone will have something different to offer this initiative.’

If you are interested Sue can be contacted on [email protected] and will arrange a time to meet to chat about what you may like to get involved in and how you can be supported.

More information about Dalbeattie Community Sport Hub can be found at www.dalbeattie-sporthub.org.uk/

Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chair of CCS Committee said “The Community Sports Hub in Dalbeattie is developing a partnership where clubs are working closely together with support from the Active Schools and Community Sport team and other agencies. The Sports Hub is a great opportunity to enhance the good work that is already happening in the Dalbeattie area and through partnership embed club sport at the heart of local decision making.”

Sue Brodie
Community Sport Hub Development Officer
Community and Customer Services
Leisure and Sport
DG One @ Loreburn Hall
Newall Terrace

Drop Point – 258
Internal Phone 60275
Mobile: 07921038686
Email: [email protected]

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