
208 Cyclists Take Part in Kirkcudbright Rotary ReCycle Sportive 2018

The Rotary Club of Kirkcudbright ran their 8th Annual Galloway reCycle Sportive on Saturday 11th August which over the years has raised well in excess of £30,000 for charity.

This was another wonderful and successful event which attracted 208 riders from far and wide with a choice of three routes 30, 67 and 102 miles.

The youngest rider was 12, the oldest over 80 years old, clearly an event that attracts all the family.

Manned feeding stations were located around the course for the riders, soup and a wonderful array of home baking awaited their return in the Church Hall,  provided and served by the ladies of the Inner Wheel

Over 50 members and friends help to make this annual event the success it is.

As one rider quoted in an email to the Club  “The event is scenic, quiet, very very friendly and the food is amazing”

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