
New Chip Timing for 2016 Kirkcudbright Half Marathon


Entrants to this year’s Kirkcudbright Academy  Half Marathon, on 28th May, will have their running  times recorded with the latest  chip technology for maximum accuracy.

SPORTident will be employed to manage applications and   arrange  electronic timing devices for all runners. This not only takes a massive work burden away from the school but also ensures accurate timings, free of human error, are achieved via the electronic chip device that will be used.  Please note: running entrants can no long register through the school. It must be done through SPORTident online.

Michelle McClure, Teacher at the Academy and organiser for the event said, ‘We are very excited about this development and hope it will encourage more runners  to enter our already popular event. This new approach will give runners confidence that state of the art digital timing devices will be used to record their timings accurately.’

This is 33rd Kirkcudbright Academy Half Marathon which also includes the Beeches £11.2k run and the Half Marathon walk.  The popular event will also have its usual summer fete atmosphere with stalls, games, music and the ever-popular children’s fun run organised by Kirkcudbright Primary School.

Mr Tuffery, Rector at Kirkcudbright Academy, said, ‘ the Half Marathon is a traditional event in the school year as well as a valued community event.  We are very grateful to our sponsors and the massive support from our local community in  helping with organisation and planning.’

To find out more about the Half Marathon: visit www.facebook.com/KirkcudbrightHalfMarathon or the website http://kahm.org.uk/ or email Email: [email protected]

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