Solway Car Club Dinner Dance and Prizegiving Night

Solway Car Club held their 2021 Dinner Dance and prizegiving in the Arden House, Kirkcudbright on Saturday evening, 26th March 2022.

After the 2020 season was lost due to Covid-19, the club were able to run a curtailed calendar of events in 2021, running six Grass Autotests and three 12 Car Rallies. Grateful thanks to the various landowners who provided us with a field venue in 2021, and to the individual event organisers who make the events happen.


After the nine-events had taken place, it was Rab Henderson who got his hands on the Ron Smith Memorial Trophy for Overall Champion for the first time, which was presented on the night by the President’s wife, Mrs. Liz Robertson. Peter Game finished as Runner-up to the Overall Champion, with Richard Dickson taking both 3rd Overall and the award for Senior Champion. Grace Orr was awarded Ladies Champion, and Craig Smith took the honour for top Novice.


The McHarg Trophy for Best performance by a Navigator, was awarded to WRC Co-driver Elliot Edmondson, and the Grierson Trophy for Best performance by a Club Member on events out with the Club, went to Mark McCulloch for his dominant performance in the 2021 Scottish 2-wheel drive Championship.


An emotional Stewart Robertson awarded the President’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Club to long-time member Ronnie Kirkpatrick. A former two-time Overall Club Champion (1984 & 1988), Ronnie is also our most successful 12 Car Champion Driver with nine title wins between 1986 to 1998. More latterly, Ronnie was a loyal part of our Marshalling team, joining us on Rallies across Scotland, 12 Car events, and the Targa. Ronnie died suddenly on Boxing Day, and will be missed by all of us at Solway Car Club.


New members are always welcome, and anyone interested in joining Solway Car Club should visit the website:


A full list of prize winners on the night can be found below.

Perpetual Awards

Overall Champion (Ron Smith Memorial Trophy) – Rab Henderson; Runner-up to Overall Champion (Dick Robson Memorial Cup) – Peter Game; 3rd Overall – Richard Dickson; Ladies Champion – Grace Orr; Runner-up to Ladies Champion (McMillan Cup) – Karen McCarney; 3rd Overall Lady – Nancy Dickson; Senior Champion – Richard Dickson; Novice Champion (Dalbeattie Civic Trophy) – Craig Smith; Chrysler Trophy – David White; McHarg Trophy (Best performance by a Navigator, voted by the committee) – Elliot Edmondson; Grierson Trophy (Best performance by a Club Member on events out with the Club, voted by the committee) – Mark McCulloch; Vice-President’s Choice (Worst Luck of the Year) – Keith Riddick & Mairi Riddick; Sanny Alexander Award (Marshals Trophy) – Ronnie Kirkpatrick; President’s Choice (The Armstrong Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Club) – Ronnie Kirkpatrick.


Grass Autotests

Grass Autotest Champion (Craigmorn Trophy) – Grant Carson; Best performance on 2 events picked at random by the President (Robertson Golden Jubilee Cup) – Richard Dickson; Novice Autotest Champion (Handicap Cup) – Craig Smith; Cone Killer – Peter Game; Two Grass Autotest Class Wins – Grant Carson, Richard Dickson, Rab Henderson, Thomas McCarney & Scott Peacock; One Grass Autotest Class Win – Aaron Ferguson, Jack Houston, Karen McCarney, Mark McCulloch & Ron Orr.


12 Car Rallies

12 Car Rally Expert Champion Driver (Royal Cup) – Scott Peacock; 12 Car Rally Expert Champion Navigator (Navigators Cup) – Keith Riddick; 12 Car Rally Semi-Expert Champion Driver – Rab Henderson; 12 Car Rally Semi-Expert Champion Navigator – Peter Game; 12 Car Rally Novice Champion Driver – Robert Baillie; 12 Car Rally Novice Champion Navigator – Jim Brown; One Novice 12 Car Rally win – Ron & Grace Orr; One Semi-Expert 12 Car Rally win – Nancy Dickson & Greg Alcorn.

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