Advance Warning Of Maintenance On The A76 Between New Cumnock & Sanquhar

Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland as part of the Network Management Contract for the South-West Trunk Road Unit, are undertaking essential maintenance on the A76 at Brock’s Factory and Polneul Cottage. Work will take place from Friday 14th October until Saturday 22nd October 2022, between the hours of 7pm and 6am each night.

This scheme, with a value of £855,740, will benefit around 6,049 vehicles using this route each day, by improving the condition of the carriageway and reducing the need for more extensive maintenance in the future.

Works will commence at Brock’s Factory under a full weekend closure of the A76 between the western boundary of the disused factory site and 230 metres west of Gateside Cottage. Traffic management will be in effect on a 24/7 basis from 7pm on Friday 14th October until 6am on Monday 17th October 2022. A signed diversion route will be in operation. Three further overnight closures (between 7pm and 6am) will be required from Monday 17th October to Wednesday 19th October 2022. To complete this section of works, a daytime convoy will be in place from 8am until 5pm on Friday 21st October and Saturday 22nd October 2022.

In addition, resurfacing of approximately 407 metres of the A76 trunk road at Polneul Cottage will take place with two full overnight closures required on Thursday 20th October and Friday 21st October 2022 between 7pm and 6am, each night. A signed diversion route will be in operation. Temporary traffic lights will be in place during the day (between 6am and 7pm) on Friday 20th October 2022 to allow for material cooling. Traffic management will be removed from this area by 6am on Saturday 22nd October 2022.

Diversion information for both schemes is as follows:

A76 northbound traffic will leave the A76 by turning right onto the C133N, Holestane Road near Drumlanrig Castle, and will then turn left onto the A702, north of Carronbridge. From here, traffic will continue north to Abington Services Roundabout where it will join the B7078 and continue to Millbank. Traffic will turn left to join the A70, Ayr Road, east of Cumnock and will be able to rejoin the A76 via Dettingen Roundabout.

A76 southbound traffic will take the exit at Dettingen Roundabout onto the A70 through Cumnock to the B7078. Traffic will proceed to Abington Services, before taking the A702 south to Carronbridge. Traffic wishing to head north on the A76 will be directed south to Thornhill Roundabout where it will be able to turn and travel in a northerly direction.

Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout these works.

Our operatives will follow strict physical distancing and hygiene protocols throughout the programme, in line with the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 guidance.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

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