Dumfries and Galloway Council Increasing its Roads Service Workforce

At Full Council on 28 February 2023, an additional £30m investment over the next five years was agreed for the Roads Service to repair more potholes, improve the drainage of our roads, repair more bridges, and improve the condition of our foot and cycle ways.

The first stage in delivering the roads improvement plan is to increase the workforce – ensuring additional capacity through the creation of good quality local jobs, and having the needed resources in place to deliver this major maintenance programme.
The first round of recruitment was launched on Tuesday 6 June, with posts in our front-line operational teams available in depots across the region.

Councillor Ian Blake, Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee said: “Dumfries and Galloway Council is responsible for one of the biggest road networks in Scotland covering 4,202 km, which are the vital arteries that connect communities and our economy across the region. We are ensuring maximum benefit and value for money by taking a staged approach to spending the investment. The posts currently advertised are the start of the journey, and there are many more innovations on the way to help us improve our region’s road network.”

The Roads Service is undertaking a recruitment campaign to encourage as many potential applicants as possible to apply to become a Roads Operative or Senior Roads Operative.
You can meet with Roads Service staff at the Department of Work and Pensions’ Open Doors Recruitment event at The Bridge, Dumfries on 15 June 2023 10am – 2pm.

For those in the west of our region, the Roads Service staff are hosting an informal drop-in session at Barnkirk Depot, Newton Stewart on 19 June 2023 1pm – 4pm.

You can speak to our staff at these sessions about career opportunities in the service, what’s involved in the roles day-to-day, and how they started their careers. You will also be able to get support to complete and submit job applications through Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Employability Skills staff.

Vice Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee, Jackie McCamon said: We are committed to using this investment to make a real difference to the roads network in our region. These posts not only provide an employment opportunity, but mean that the successful candidates can contribute to make a real difference in their community.”

Applications close on 22 June, and you can find information and full details of the jobs at https://www.myjobscotland.gov.uk/councils/dumfries-galloway-council/jobs