Charity Tea For Trussell Trust To Be Held At Borgue Hall

The Trussel Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and together they provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.

David and Sandie Gay are recent retirees who have moved to the region from Birmingham to live nearer to their daughter and two young grandchildren, and they are inviting people to a Tea for Trussell to raise funds for the Trust. On Thursday, 2nd June at Borgue Community Hall, pop in  anytime between 10am-4pm for a cup of tea or coffee and homemade cake and biscuits.

“The local community has been very generous in offering to bake and help on the day and we would like to thank them all very much” said David Gay
Sandie Gay Said “We’ve been in D&G for a year and a half. We are keen walkers and love this beautiful area. We wanted to use our time as volunteers in the local community and so far, we volunteer for the Food Train as shopper and delivery driver.  and also to KBT festivities committee. We make regular donations to a few charities including Action Aid, water aid, Unicef and the Trussell Trust. Now, we have more time, we wanted to do a bit more. We think it’s shocking that so many people are in the position of needing to use food banks. But while so ever there is a need, we felt that the Tea for Trussell was something we could participate in to raise funds and awareness of the work of the Trussell Trust.”
Sandie continued “Really, the Trust is working to stop the need for food banks but until it achieves that aim, this is support for anyone who is struggling to feed themselves and their children. And, let’s face it, with the steeply increasing cost of living, many more families are needing help right now.”

The Trussell Trust is an NGO and UK wide charity. (C) 2022 Reg. Charity in England & Wales (1110522) and Scotland (SC044246). Reg. Ltd. Co. in England & Wales (5434524)

It’s aim is to campaign to end the need for food banks.
This link provides information on its vision, work and achievements to date:


In 2020/21, the Trussell Trust sent out nearly 200,000 food parcels across Scotland with over 70,000 needed for children. It also supports a network of food banks.

The Gay’s are also welcoming donations online. Visit Sandie’s Tea for Trussell page:



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