Local Events Spring Back Into Action With Kilgallioch Community Fund Support

12 community organisations across South Carrick and Wigtownshire share £186,054 in the Kilgallioch Community Fund’s spring funding round.

The spring round of funding saw another 12 organisations across Wigtownshire and
South Carrick are celebrating being awarded grants from the Kilgallioch Community
Fund, with awards totalling £186,054 in the open grant-making round. In addition,
to date 18 of the 21 eligible Community Councils in the Fund area of operation have
taken up the Company’s offer of a small grant of £2,000.

As we emerge from the last of the recent Covid restrictions, the Kilgallioch
Community Benefit Company Board has been really delighted to see a very strong
return to funding bids from the local community events and tourism scene. Awards
in this round included grants to the Newton Stewart & District Music Club (£1,800 to
have Opera Bohemia perform the Magic Flute in Newton Stewart in August),
Creetown Building Preservation Trust (£17,025, to cover one year’s costs of putting
on a wide ranging performing arts programme at the newly opened Quarrymen’s
Arts Centre in Creetown) the Mull of Galloway Trust (£10,000 to support the costs of
employing a manager at the high profile community-owned lighthouse visitor
attraction and accommodation), the Ballantrae Trust (£10,549 to support the return
of the face to face Ballantrae Festival of Food and Drink over two days in 2022) and
the Girvan Traditional Folk Festival (£6,000 to contribute to the costs of festival,
which has a new eco-focus for 2022).

The largest award in this round went to the Stranraer Development Trust, which
aims to support the sustainable regeneration of Stranraer by leading on and
supporting delivery of community-led projects and events which address a range of
economic, social, and environmental issues. The Trust received £99,451, spread
over three years, to support core salary costs. This award will give the organisation
some stability for the next few years, which will in turn enable the Trust to deliver
and support a range of community activities and events, including the well-known
Oyster Festival which is set to return in 2022. The Stranraer Oyster Festival had
three successful years in 2017-2019 which in total attracted over 40,000 people and
generated approximately £3m for the local economy.

Romano Petrucci, Chair of the Stranraer Development Trust said:
“We are incredibly grateful – this award will make the greatest difference
to the Trust, the staff, and ultimately to our community.”
The fund, provided by Scottish Power Renewables from its Kilgallioch Windfarm, is
distributed by Kilgallioch Community Benefit Company, with administrative support
from grant-making charity Foundation Scotland. The Company is run by a Board of
local volunteer Directors.
Nick Walker, KCBC Chair, said:
“We’re delighted to support many new and well-loved existing community
events to make a return in 2022; but equally mindful that for many
community groups, 2022 will remain challenging as Covid recovery
funding becomes scarcer and costs rise. We are committed to ensuring
that the fund provides support in communities where it is needed, and we
will be refreshing our funding strategy later in 2022.”

The next deadline to apply is the Monday 20th June 2022. You can see all the awards
made and information on how to apply at www.kilgallioch.co.uk

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