After the news released this morning Friday the 11th of August 2017 by The Moffat Promotions Group that they have had to take the decision to cancel the 2017 Moffat Sheep races due to the Dumfries and Galloway Council requesting that the organisers  comply with the Performing Animals Act, 1925, there has been much negativity towards D&G Council.

In Response the Council have issued this statement “We have been informed of the decision taken by the Moffat Sheep races to cancel the event on Sunday. This is entirely their decision to take.

It is widely recognised that this year’s event has attracted a lot of negative publicity and attention from animal activists. The Council have been working alongside the organisers to ensure their race could go ahead.

Our officers have been providing advice and meeting with the organisers for weeks. The organisers are required to place the event on a public register for such events and we have been working with the event organisers on this administrative process. This is not a Council decision. This is the law.

We would like to be absolutely clear that this Council has not prevented the event from taking place – this is a choice that the organisers have made themselves.

We have been working with the organisers up until the last minute before they made their decision to cancel.

The Moffat organisers have the opportunity to change their mind before Sunday so that their event still goes ahead.”

Read the original release about the cancelling of the popular event HERE 

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