
Cake, Cordial, & Celebrations: Galloway Glens Scheme’s Grand Finale Event

Galloway Glens Scheme Completion Event Planned 26th September, Castle Douglas Town Hall, 2.30-4pm

The Galloway Glens Scheme is an initiative of Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Environment Team, funded by a range of partners including the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Over the last five years, the scheme has worked to ‘connect people to their heritage’, while boosting the local economy and supporting sustainable communities.

This fun event will draw together all strands of work, look at what has worked, what hasn’t and overall lessons learned to inform future schemes. The event will include words from the Galloway Glens Staff and key partners. Attendees will be the very first to receive a copy of the ‘Galloway Glens: Measuring Success’ document. The event, called ‘One last thing…’ will end with elderflower cordial and cake.

McNabb Laurie, Galloway Glens Team Leader, said: “The Galloway Glens Scheme is coming to an end. For some, this has been quite a journey!

We have benefitted from the input of so many folk – professionals to volunteers, ideas and time. This short and fun event on 26 th September in Castle Douglas is a chance to look back at five years of work, take stock of activities supported, initiated and catalyzed, and to thank everyone involved. And did we mention there was cake? Hope to see you there!” The event is open to all, there is no need to RSVP, however if you have any queries on accessibility or otherwise, please send a note to Anna Harvey on [email protected]


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