Wigtown Market Has Christmas All Wrapped Up

Following a very successful outdoor season in which we drew traders from all over Dumfries and Galloway and further afield into the town, Wigtown Market is pleased to say that we are presenting an indoor Festive Market to the people of Dumfries and Galloway on Saturday 25th November.

A Spokesperson for Wigtown Market stated  “This is by way of a thank you to all the folks who supported us during the summer months and will be held in the County Buildings from 10:00 till 3:00. As well as the regular traders we have attracted in interesting variety of stallholders offering jewellery, books, art, festive gifts, photography, vegan food, cakes, artisan chocolate, crochet toys, pet supplies, local beers, handmade jams, rustic wood art, Mexican textiles, handmade soap and barista coffee.”
Market manager, Jodie Whitmarsh, said, ‘Since the community have supported us during the summer, we feel that we should give something back. This is an opportunity, as Christmas approaches, get your unique Christmas presents and to stock up with stocking fillers.’

Entertainment will be provided by Wigtown and Kirkcowan choir who will give us a selection of Christmas carols to get us in the mood.

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