DUMFRIES 03.10.14
The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart plc held their weekly Sale of Store Lambs in Dumfries on Friday.

1181 Forward

340 Scotch Mule Ewe Lambs – Trade Bouyant selling to £87 Guelt, £74 Hall of Drumpark, £74 Hall, £71 High Cairn
Blackface Ewe Lambs to £57 Laghead
Cheviot Ewe Lambs to £54 Laghead

760 Store Lambs – Trade Firmer
Suffolk (ave £56) to £58 Hill, £55 Hastingshall, £55 Ewanston
Texel (ave £51.50) to £57 Knocksheen, £51 Ironlosh
Mule (ave £43.92) to £53 Auchenhay, £51.50 Dalpeddar, £50.50 Meikle Barncleugh
Blackface (ave £34.17) to £43 Laghead
81 Breeding Ewes
Mule to £106, £97 High Garleffan, £98 Carse Rigg

Dumfries Ram Fair
Catalogued entry of 395 forward.

122 Bluefaced Leicester Rams – Trade selective although most found new homes.
Ram Lambs – £500 Ashburn, £310 Glenlaught
Shearlings to £520 Burghhead, £460 Kirkton,£420, £390, £360 Merkland, £400, £390 Barr, £400 Raggetsyke, £400 , £390 Glenlaugh, £400 (x2) Kirksteads
Very good entry of 273 Texel, Suffolk and various other breeds were forward with good tups easily sold to an overall top price of £620 for a very nice Texel Tup Lamb from Messrs Hastings, Kilncroft.

Shearlings were topped at £580 for a Beltex x Texel Tup from B Ryder, Newton Cottage

Top Prices
Ram Lambs

Suffolk to £450, £400, £320, £300 (x3) Netherhall, £420, £400 Prettsmill, £350, £320 Burgh Head
Texel to £620, £450 Kilncroft, £520 Luce Mains, £420, £350, £320 (x2) Craighead, £300 Woodhead, £300 Baltier, £300 Boghouse
Charollais to £380 Loaningfoot

Berrichon to £300 Newark
Beltex x Texel to £580 Newton Cott, £450, £380, £350 Upper Cleugh
Beltex to £400 Bridgestone
Suffolk to £400 Blackhamilton, £350 Netherhall, £260 Laghaed, £220 Oxgang
Texel to £550, £500 Sandilands, £550, 3520 Laughtmuirside, £520 Baltier, £520, £500 (x2) Boghouse, £520 Upper Cleugh, £500 Blackhamilton
Charollais to £260, £200 Barend, £220, £200 Riggheads
Charollais x Suffolk to £300 Barend

Prior to the Sale a Show was held for all classes for Rams, Judge S Hockenhull, Dairy House Farm, Cheshire awarded the following


Best Texel to Mr A Ryder, Blackhamilton, Carlisle

Best suffolk
Best suffolk

Best Suffolk to Mr A Ryder, Blackhamilton, Carlisle

best blue
best blue

Best Blue Leicester to Mr Kirkpatrick, Barr, Sanquhar

best other breed
best other breed

Best Other Breed (Charollais) to Ben Radley, Loaningfoot, Dumfries

The Show was kindly sponsored by Lloyds Ltd, Isuzu

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