Rowan Glen Newton Stewart Factory Closure On The Cards

An announcement of a consultation to close operations at their Newton Stewart site has been made by the owners of Rowan Glenn, Dale Farm Ltd.

This follows a review of its business and has resulted in proposals, emerging today, which would see the possible closure of their plants at Newton Stewart and Kendal.

D&G Council is concerned about the impact this could have on our hard working local community, their families and our rural economy. We call on South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) to work with the plant owners to look for alternative solutions and opportunities for Rowan Glenn’s employees and the site itself.

Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) are also aware of the discussions and will work with staff affected to support employees into further suitable employment, should this prove necessary.

Linda Dorward, Co-Leader for Dumfries and Galloway Council said: “This is sad news. Through SOSE, we will focus our best efforts to ensure staff are supported as much as possible. However, we are still committed to working through our partners to consult with Dale Farm Ltd to see if there is anything that can be done to keep the plants open.”
Stephen Thompson, Co-Leader Leader of Dumfries and Galloway Council went on to say: “The Council will do all that it can. Hopefully SOSE can assist the company to identify potential investors and we will work alongside and offer our Council support, where possible. We are focussed on finding a resolution to the situation.”

Our immediate thoughts are with the families affected; we know that Rowan Glenn’s employees remain a dedicated workforce with valuable skills. If these threats of closure are followed through, we will work with partners to ensure the local economy can utilise and value their skills.

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