Solve the Mystery and uncover the clues with a famous detective in Castle Kennedy Gardens!

A second, fabulous, open air theatre performance brings the beautiful Gardens to life on the evening of Thursday 6th August, as none other than Detective Sherlock Holmes seeks to solve the latest mystery!

Another great production by Chapterhouse – The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes – is taking place at Castle Kennedy Gardens on Thursday 6 August at 7.00pm when Detective Sherlock Holmes has a mysterious new case to investigate. Holmes and his companion Dr Watson join the search for the most elusive piece of treasure known to mankind. With a missing novice, a death in the convent and some very suspicious nuns, Holmes’ newest case promises to be his most terrifying and challenging yet. A murder mystery is to be solved and a treasure to be found in this thrilling adaptation.

Join Chapterhouse with your family for an evening of unforgettable theatre production against the dramatic back-drop of Castle Kennedy ruins. The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes will take place at 7.00pm with the grounds open for picnics from 6.00pm and a marquee provided should the weather be unfavourable.

The Tea Room is also available for delicious refreshments and light snacks. Low back chairs, rugs and insect repellent are recommended.

For more information on the event and activities taking place at Castle Kennedy Gardens this Summer please contact 01581 400 225 or 01776 702 024 or find us on facebook, twitter and google+ There are discounts for tickets booked in advance or online on www.castlekennedygardens.com

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