

Predicted bad weather (Storm Frank) is going to hit our region this week.

The Met Office today issued Amber warnings for heavy rainfall for Dumfries and Galloway. Predications are that a number of rivers in the region are going to flood in the next few days. The information received today shows that the flooding will occur on Wednesday. Weather reports indicate that there will also be high winds across the region which will add to the bad conditions being experienced.
Today (Monday 28 December) multi agency response partners came together at the Council’s Emergency Centre to discuss the issued warnings, how we can prepare and respond and any other potential impacts. The partners have worked together on a number of occasions and can respond efficiently and effectively to ensure resources are deployed and support provided to where it is needed most.
The Council’s community resilience team have been working with communities right across the region to help them be prepared for a number of different scenarios. As such, our communities have plans in place that will help them to prepare and respond locally. Officers will be contacting these communities tomorrow to alert them to the warnings from the Met Office and to allow them to prepare.
More detailed information about the parts of the region that will be affected should be received tomorrow. This will allow the multi-agency response teams to plan their response more effectively. The Council’s flood risk management team is continuing to liaise with SEPA throughout this time also.
In order to keep the public updated, information about the bad weather and ongoing advice will be provide via the Council and Police Scotland’s and DGWGO’s  social media channels.
Members of the public are asked to take extreme care during the bad weather – please pay attention to road safety advice. Also, please call in on any neighbours that you know are particularly vulnerable to make sure that they are ok.

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