
Local Poet & Musician Team Up To Create A Scots CD For Children Of All Ages

It’s time to hear and learn all about THE TOBERMORY DODO, DROUTHIE ROUTHIE and her moothie and even an ETTERCAP (a spider by any other name!), as well as a couple of HURCHEONS (hedgehogs).

All this and lots more in a new musical collection ideal for all sizes of children, weans and bairns, written and arranged by well known musician and songwriter Nicola Black and made from the poems from Stuart A Paterson’s acclaimed book, A Squatter of Bairnrhymes.

This is a delightful collection of songs based on the celebrated Scots poet from Dumfries and Galloway, Stuart A. Paterson’s collection A Squatter o Bairnrhymes.

The songs enhance the original verse with gorgeous tunes that wee bairns and big weans can join together and sing with gusto. So if your taste ranges from traditional Scots song to Jazz Funk,this is the CD for you …and in enjoying it you’re making sure that the poems and the beautiful living language they’re written in, will thrive in the generations to come.

There are twenty songs on the album, available as a download or a CD titled ‘’A Squatter O Bairnsangs’’There are plenty of Scots words and phrases to hear and get hold of, as well as choruses to sing along to. There are all sorts of bears, a big shark, a hoolit (owl|), a tod (fox). There is even a meteorite travelling through space as we ponder the universe. ‘Snow’ is sung at the same time as three other short poems, each weaving in and out of the others.

It’s fun to try and sing along with all the different poems.

Nicola is delighted with this engaging musical collection, enthusing “We’re very proud that from the 2nd December the CD will be available from Scotsoun at www.lallans.co.uk
It’s been a fun and rewarding project.”
Sounds like an ideal Christmas gift.

The music is written by Nicola Black and arranged by Nicola and Blackie,
who between them play guitar, ukulele, bass, organ, recorder and piano.
Chris Lord plays exquisite lead guitar, Nicola Black, Cameron Patterson (age 11) , Amanda Caven and Blackie are the singers. The saxophone is provided by the talented David Sanderson. The harmonica is by Drouthie Routhie herself! All the words are in Scots, and the musical styles are very varied, led by the words, rhythm and emotions of the poem.

The poems all appear in Stuart A Paterson’s book, A Squatter O Bairnrhymes,
available from www.tippermuirbooks.co.uk

A glossary of words will be available from www.asquatterobairnsangs.co.uk
For info www.facebook.com/asquatterobairnsangs


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